How Reputation System Works in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven - Magic Game World

How Reputation System Works in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven

How Reputation System Works in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven

In Might and Magic VI your reputation is a big deal. It’s basically your crew’s street cred. The Diplomacy skill is like your charm offensive; it’s how you make friends & influence people. If you’ve pumped 10 points into it, when you sweet-talk a noble, you get a 10-point bump in reputation. But if you try the same lines on a goblin, expect your rep to slide by 10 points.


Donating to temples is like investing in good karma. Drop some gold at a regular temple, and you’ll see a nice 200-point spike in your rep meter. The max you can get from this is capped at 200 though. Now, if you’re the type that’s got a Notorious tag on your rep, donating at Temple Baa is your ticket to redemption, adding 200 points to your score. But if you’re already playing the hero, giving them gold will actually knock your reputation down.


If you go off-script & take out a peasant, that’s a big no-no – you’ll lose 100 points off your rep. Quests are the bread & butter for boosting your reputation, usually. But there’s a catch. Take a day off or hit the hay, and your rep takes a hit of 1%… it’s like people start forgetting the good (or bad) you’ve done. Traveling doesn’t hurt your rep, so that’s cool.


Reputation levels? They go from Saintly, which is the gold standard at 1000 points or more, to Notorious, which is, well, the other end of the spectrum at less than -1000.


Here’s the quick lowdown:


  • Saintly: 1000 or more


  • Angelic: 800-999


  • Glorious: 600-799


  • Honorable: 400-599


  • Respectable: 200-399


  • Average: 0-199


  • Bad: -1 to -299


  • Vile: -300 to -599


  • Despicable: -600 to -799


  • Monstrous: -800 to -999


  • Notorious: below -1000


Roll with a Bard in your squad & watch your rep go up by a level, it’s like having your own PR manager. Want to get into the Light Magic scene -> you better have a Saintly rep. More into the Dark Arts -> Notorious is where it’s at.


Time’s a funny thing; it tends to blur the lines. The longer it’s been since your deeds, good or bad -> the more your rep slips back to neutral… it’s like folks start to forget. But watch who you hang with; a follower with a shady rep will drag yours down too…


Wandering Trainers are like freelancers; they’ll level you up if you meet their quirky criteria. Could be your skills, fame, or something random like the weather.


Lastly, your posse affects your rep. Pirates save you time at sea & score you extra loot but rough up your rep. Burglars, Dupers, & Gypsies, they all boost your skills but at a cost to your reputation…


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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