How to Change Max Lobby Size in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2: Unlock Bigger Multiplayer Parties! - Magic Game World

How to Change Max Lobby Size in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2: Unlock Bigger Multiplayer Parties!

Heroes of Hammerwatch 2

Want to pack your dungeon crawls with MORE heroes? More loot? More MAYHEM?? While Heroes of Hammerwatch II officially caps you at 4 players, a secret backdoor lets you blow past that limit and create truly epic lobbies. This guide will show you how to unlock the hidden potential and bring ALL your friends to the party!



Crackin’ the Code (It’s Easy!):

Time to fire up the developer console! Just whack the backtick (tilde) key (`) while you’re playing. It’s that little key concealing itself next to the 1.


In the console, type this magical phrase: g_multiplayer_limit X, where X is the number of players you want. Want an 8-player mega-dungeon crawl? Type g_multiplayer_limit 8. Feeling like a god? Try g_multiplayer_limit 10 (but don’t come crying to me when your PC melts).


Now, host a game like you would normally do. Voilà!, space for an entire army of heroes is suddenly there. Be ready for the seriously crowded corridors and epic loot battles.



More Secrets Ahead…

That’s only scratching the surface of this lobby-expanding trick, since there’s a whole hidden treasure of cheats and a full debug console out there. Looking to learn how to turn on god mode, spawn endless loot or change the very fabric of Hammerwatch reality? Check the other guides for a deep dive into all the secret sauce!!


Heroes of Hammerwatch 2: Cheat Codes Guide


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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