How to Complete the Hive Quest - Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven - Magic Game World

How to Complete the Hive Quest – Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven

How to Complete the Hive Quest - Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven

Gear up with your Blasters or Blaster Rifles ’cause this is gonna be one wild ride… Head on into the Hive (Northwest of Sweet Water) & straight up walk to this ledge that gives you a bird’s-eye view of a pretty big kinda round room.


You’ve got that Feather Fall spell right?? Cast it & just step off the ledge like it’s nothing… Look for a hole on the northeast side of the room & drop through that bad boy. The tunnel you land in will wind around a bit just follow it to the second fork in the road & hang a right. You’ll find a chest there with the Hive Sanctum Key inside – grab it.


Hive Sanctum Key Location - Might and Magic 6


Keep on the path you were on until you come across a door open it then make a quick right. Follow this new path until it opens into a larger room then head toward the door in the far-right corner. That key you picked up? It’s gonna come in handy now – use it to open the door & head on down to the Hive Sanctum.


You’re gonna see the Reactor Core as soon as you enter & let me tell you it’s not gonna be thrilled to see you… It’ll start defending itself but you’ve got your weapons ready right? Fire away until there’s nothing left of that core.


After you’ve turned the core into nothing but rubble the walls will come down & you’ll have a whole swarm of Kreegan minions on your hands… Take them out then look for the Hive Queen. She’s blocking your exit so you’ve gotta deal with her quick. Once she’s out of the picture go through the gate.


Here’s the clincher -> if you’ve got the Ritual of the Void Scroll from Archibald you’re set – you win the game & get to chill in New Sorpigal. But if you’re scroll-less?? Well it’s curtains for the world & game over for you.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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