How to Disable The Unskippable Intro Videos In Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Follow these simple steps;
1- You need to have a decent unpacker like 7zip or Winrar. In this particular case, I would recommend WinRar because 7Zip doesn’t allow the renaming of packed files
2- Open explorer to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Data or the similar directory if Steam is installed in a different drive or directory.
3- Find the file named ipl_videos.pak
4- Open the file in Winrar. You can right-click, select ‘Open With…” and select Winrar, or open Winrar, navigate to the above directory and double-click the file to open it.
5- Double-click the folder named Videos.
6- Assuming you opened the correct file, and not ipl_videosb.pak, you should see a folder called q_skalitz and a file called intro.usm
7- As you may have guesses, the intro.usm file contains all of the introductory videos. You could delete the file, but I usually rename the file instead. For instance intro.usm.bak which you can do without extracting the file first, at least in Winrar and possibly other programs.
8- Close your unpacker and you are done! You will see a black screen for a bit, depending whether you are using hard drive or SSD (highly recommended for this game) and the main menu should appear shortly after.
9- Enjoy KC:D without intros!