How to Do a Shot & Pump Fake in NBA 2K22 - Magic Game World

How to Do a Shot & Pump Fake in NBA 2K22

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The pump fake is also known as a shot fake in basketball, and it generally involves a jump shot that’s restrained before the feet leave the ground. It is a basic basketball play that causes opponents to jump (known as “lifting” the defender in basketball terminology) or be shifted off-balance.


  • Tap Square on the PS4 & PS5 or X on the Xbox One & Series X to pump fake.


It helps create wide lanes to the basket on the perimeter by “showing” the ball sufficiently to entice a defender to try to block or steal it, allowing the dribbler to penetrate easily.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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