How to Get and Use Blasters in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven - Magic Game World

How to Get and Use Blasters in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven

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Learning Ancient Weapons Skill

Finding blasters in Might and Magic 6: Mandate of Heaven is no task for the faint-hearted. You’ll have to delve into the storyline until The Oracle presents you with a critical quest. This task will lead you into the eerie depths of the Tomb of Varn to secure the Control Cube.


Once the Cube is in your possession, return it to The Oracle. In gratitude, you’ll be transported to the Control Room. But beware – this place is swarming with flying robot adversaries capable of wiping you out in a single hit. It’s wise to secure the blasters early on and use the Town Portal skill to retreat if things get dicey.


You’ll find blasters in the Control Room, but wielding these powerful tools requires a specific ability: the Ancient Weapons Skill. You can pick up this ability from a sign on one of the Control Room’s walls. Once you’ve deciphered the sign’s message, you’re cleared to commandeer these formidable blasters. Check the map below – the spot to learn the Ancient Weapons Skill is marked with a number 2 inside a red square.


Ancient Weapons Skill Might and Magic 6 Map



Level Up Your Skills

Now that you’ve secured your blaster, it’s time to hone your skills. To elevate your Ancient Weapons Skill, seek out the expert skill trainer, Igor, who is stationed northeast of New Sorpigal.


To truly master blaster weaponry, pay a visit to Edenbrook and seek out Rexella. Located in the heart of Paradise Valley, Edenbrook is where you’ll ascend to the ranks of a master of Ancient Weapons.


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  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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