How to Give Teamfight Tactics Champions New Traits
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
06 Jul 2019
In addition to champions’ default traits, certain traits can be granted to champions with the use of particular items, which means that the champion in question can then contribute to and benefit from that trait’s effects.
Most of the traits that can be granted by items are classes, with only one item giving an additional origin. The following items can confer an additional trait, all of which are built by combining another basic item with the Spatula:
Youmuu’s Ghostblade – You are an Assassin.
Blade of the Ruined King – You are a Blademaster.
Yuumi – You are a Sorcerer.
Darkin – You are a Demon.
Knight’s Vow – You are a Knight
Frozen Mallet – You are Glacial.