How to Improve FPS in PixARK - Magic Game World

How to Improve FPS in PixARK

576CB3CE 41E6 407E A682 CE5DE2978300

Insert Various Launch Commands

There are a large variety of launch commands that can prove useful in optimizing overall gameplay and improving FPS. They are all safe to use but can cause crashes or lags. We advise you to try them out since it is easy to get rid of them in the case of malfunction. This is the way you can insert those commands:


1) Open Steam client.


2) Open the library and choose PixARK.


3) Right-click and open Properties.


4) In the General tab, select Set Launch Options.


5) In the command line type the following lines with spacing:


-useallavailablecores – Makes your PC use all available CPU cores.


-high -Sets game as a high-priority process.


-sm4 – Runs DX10 shader model.


-d3d10 – Runs DX10 mode.


-nomansky – Lowers in-game sky quality.


-lowmemory – Optimizes the game for 4GB RAM


6) Save your selection and run the game.


In case of any issues, you can retrieve your original setup by going to Set Launch Options and deleting all commands.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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