How to Promote Paladin to Crusader in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven - Magic Game World

How to Promote Paladin to Crusader in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven

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This guide will help you navigate the Paladin to Crusader promotion quest in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven.



Accept the Quest

Begin your journey at Castle Ironfist, where you will encounter Regent Wilbur Humphrey. As the Foremost Paladin of Enroth, he will assign you the task of promoting your Paladin to a Crusader. Your mission, a classic rescue quest, is to save a damsel in distress: Melody Silver.



Travel to the Island of Mist

Set your course for the Island of Mist. Melody Silver is being held captive here by the rogue vigilante group, the Silver Helms, originally formed by Melody’s father, John Silver.



Infiltrate the Silver Helm Outpost

Your next destination is the Silver Helm Outpost, located just outside the town of Mist. You must infiltrate this outpost to rescue Melody. Enter the outpost and navigate through the hallways to the mess hall, where you will find a doorway on your right leading to a secret door at the end of the hallway.


Once you pass through the secret door, you will find a ramp that leads to a room. In this room, press the switch to activate a set of retractable ramps outside. These ramps extend and retract as you walk on them, making navigation tricky. Be cautious as you ascend to avoid sliding back down. If you happen to fall, cast the Feather Fall spell, which can prevent damage and potential death.



Rescuing Melody Silver

Upon reaching the top platform, step onto the ledge and go through the open doorway. Follow the path straight towards the mural, then turn left at the intersection. You will find another secret door. Behind it, Melody Silver is being held captive. Once you’ve found her, she will join your party until you return to Castle Ironfist.



Exiting the Silver Helm Outpost

To exit the Silver Helm Outpost, touch the mural you just passed to teleport back to the room with the switch. Jump off the low platform, then turn left. Touch the second mural, which will teleport you to the bottom of the ramp, located below the outpost entrance.



Promotion to Crusader

With Melody Silver in tow, return to Castle Ironfist. Speak to Regent Wilbur Humphrey to conclude your mission. With Melody safe, he will promote your Paladin to the rank of Crusader.


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  • Fernando

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