How to Skip the Assassin's Creed Mirage Intro Videos on PC - Magic Game World

How to Skip the Assassin’s Creed Mirage Intro Videos on PC

How to Skip the Assassin's Creed Mirage Intro Videos on PC

You’ve picked up Assassin’s Creed Mirage and you’re pumped to dive straight into the streets of 9th Century Baghdad without sitting through those pesky intro videos every time you boot up the game. I feel you, and I got you covered. Here’s a detailed breakdown on how to give those intro videos the ol’ skip-a-roo!



First Thing’s First: Back It Up!

Before you get all gung-ho and start messing with game files, always make a backup. Trust me, you don’t wanna mess something up and have to redownload the whole game because you got too eager.



Let’s Dive In!!

Find your way to where Assassin’s Creed Mirage is nestled on your device. If you’re scratching your head on where that might be right-clicking the game’s desktop icon and hitting Open file location should steer you right… (If that doesn’t work or you’re using Steam, just right-click the AC: Mirage icon in your Steam library and choose Open file location.)



Enter the Video Vault

Once you’re inside the game folder, look for a sub-folder called videos. This is where all those intro vids are chillin’.



Time to Play Hide and Seek!!

Here’s a list of the culprits you wanna deal with:


  • ANVIL_Logo.webm


  • Intel_Logo.webm


  • AC15th_Logo.webm


  • UbisoftLogo.webm


You can either rename them (maybe add “_old” to the end of the file name) or straight-up delete them if you’re feeling savage. But hey, renaming is a safer bet if you ever want those videos back in the future.



Don’t Forget the Language-Specific Vids!

Head into the videos\en\ folder next (or whichever folder matches your game’s language setting). Here, you’ve got a few more sneaky videos to take care of:


  • Epilepsy.webm


  • PC_WarningSaving.webm


  • warning_disclaimer.webm


Same deal here: rename or delete, your choice!



Boot Up & Bask in the Glory!

Now, fire up Assassin’s Creed Mirage and revel in the sweet satisfaction of jumping straight into the game without those intros slowing you down!


  • If things seem wonky after doing this, revert to your backups. That’s why we made ’em!


  • Maybe tell your buddies how to do this too. They’ll owe you one, big time.


  • Updates or patches might bring those videos back from the dead, so you might have to rinse and repeat this process down the line…


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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