How to Turn On Advanced Defending in EA Sports FC 24 - Magic Game World

How to Turn On Advanced Defending in EA Sports FC 24

How to Turn On Advanced Defending in EA Sports FC 24

If you’re lookin’ to up your game in EA Sports FC 24, you gotta know how to turn on Advanced Defending. Let’s dive deep into turning on that mode in FC 24, and trust me, once you get this down, your defense game’s gonna be on a whole new level!



Access the Home Screen

First things first, you need to be on the home screen. Once you’re there move your cursor to the left & find the settings tab. It’s gonna look like a cog.



Dive into the Settings

Once you’ve spotted that cog, click on it to dive into the Settings menu. But don’t get lost; you’re heading straight for the ‘game settings’.



Set Your Preset

Alright, now you’re in the game settings, so what you wanna do is make sure your preset is on ‘Competitive’. You following? Good, let’s keep going!



Scroll to Defending Section

Now, you wanna scroll your way down to the defending section. There’s a setting called ‘Defending’. You’re gonna see it’s set to ‘Tactical Defending’. This ain’t what we want, fam!



Switch to Advanced Defending

Here’s where you change the game! Move that setting over to ‘Advanced Defending’. This is what’s gonna make you a boss on the field!


EA FC 24 Defending Settings



Why Advanced Defending?

Alright, let’s talk a bit about why you’re making this switch. See, with Tactical Defending, you’re just timing your tackles and maintaining your position. It kinda chooses for you whether you’re gonna make a stand tackle or get more physical, depending on where your player’s positioned.


But with Advanced Defending, you’re in control! You choose your tackle type! Pressing Circle gets you a standing tackle, but what’s really dope this year is pressing X for the shoulder challenge or a seal out. This is the new meta! There’s a whole bunch of YouTube videos diving deep into this new defending tactic -> Definitely give them a watch and try it out for yourself!



Leverage Player Styles

Now, if you got players with certain play styles on Ultimate Team, they’re gonna kill it with the seal out. I mean it’s a game-changer! So mess around with it, see which of your players can pull off that seal out the best, and put them to work!


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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