Hurtworld PC Cheat Codes - Magic Game World

Hurtworld PC Cheat Codes

Hurtworld PC Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press F1 key to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function.



Cheat Codes


itemlist <name filter> = Shows a list of all items with the searched word in their name and their Item Code (itemlist bow would return a list of all the bows etc). E.G. itemlist bow


itemlist = Shows all the game items in the Console and their Item Codes


g <itemcode> <quantity> = Gives you the item with the specified quantity. Be careful, too high of a quantity and the items will spew out of your inventory into the world. E.G. g 4 10 (Would give you 4 Steaks)


g <itemname> <quantity> = Same as g <itemcode> <quantity> except with the name of the item instead of the item’s Code.


g all <itemcode/name> <quantity> = Same as g however this will give you all items max stacks.


rcon <command> = Run Commands like Kick, quit, quit 300 (Timed shutdown with server warnings)


spawn <prefabname> = This will spawn any networked object 2 meters in front of you. A full list of prefabs is not yet available.  Known Options: [ AITokarServer, sandstorm ]


stockvehicles – Will fill every vehicle on the server with the maximum upgrades and parts, ready to go.


refreshai = Delete all the NPC Mobs and Resource Nodes (Trees, Logs, Stumpts, Ore Veins etc). They will respawn slowly as normal.


teleport <teleportthisplayer> <tothisplayer> = Full names required. Teleports one player to another. E.G. teleport Mekki_ Spencer


serverstatus = Displays a list in the Console of all connected players, including their names, steam64ID and other information. (Useful for kicking!)


rcon adminmessage <text> = Sends an administrator message to all players.


rcon settime <time> = Sets the time of day.


rcon freezetime = Freeze the time of day.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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  1. Shayan 5 years ago
  2. Shayan 5 years ago

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