Hyper Light Breaker Controls: Keyboard & Gamepad
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys /
17 Jan 2025
Loved Hyper Light Drifter and ready for more? Hyper Light Breaker brings a whole new dimension (literally) to the action. You’ll be dashing, grinding, and probably screaming incoherently at the screen – but some things never change: the need to know your controls. This guide details the default keyboard and gamepad layouts for PC and Xbox, so you can start breaking things with style, precision, and a slightly reduced risk of throwing your controller across the room.
All PC Settings
Default Controls
Gamepad (Xbox) Controls
- Use Kit: D-Pad Up
- Ping: D-Pad Right
- Reload (While Aiming): LT + X
- Aim: LT
- Shoot (While Aiming): LT + RT
- Light Attack: X
- Flash Step: RT + X
- Ultimate: LB
- Dash: RT
- Interact: RB
- Parry: B
- Target Lock: Right-Stick Down (RS ↓)
- Jump: A
- Blade Special: Y
- Map: Start/Menu Button
- Movement:
Move Forward: Left-Stick Up (LS ↑)
Move Backward: Left-Stick Down (LS ↓)
Move Right: Left-Stick Right (LS →)
Move Left: Left-Stick Left (LS ←)
PC Keyboard & Mouse Controls
- Use Kit: C
- Ping: Middle Mouse Button
- Reload (While Aiming): R
- Aim: Right Mouse Button (RMB)
- Shoot (While Aiming): Left Mouse Button (LMB)
- Light Attack: Left Mouse Button (LMB)
- Flash Step: Shift + LMB
- Ultimate: 1
- Dash: Left Shift
- Interact: F
- Parry: Q
- Target Lock: Z
- Jump: Spacebar
- Blade Special: E
- Map: M
- Movement:
Move Forward: W
Move Backward: S
Move Right: D
Move Left: A