I Hate Running Backwards - How to Defeat The Lava Golem - Magic Game World

I Hate Running Backwards – How to Defeat The Lava Golem

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The battle against Lava Golem will be a test of the player’s movement skills, as dodging its projectiles is almost certainly a very tough challenge for every newcomer to the game.


Lava Golem has a very high resistance against all forms of damage. This resistance can be negated by freezing Lava Golem. This can be done in two ways: one is to use the ice-colored cannons with a frost icon above them, which frequently appear during the boss. Wait for the cannon to line up with Lava Golem, then use the hammer attack next to it. The other option is to use the frost-based special weapons: namely the Frost Grenade, Frost Rifle and Re-Frigerator. Enough damage from these weapons will also put the Lava Golem in its “frozen” state. Once in that state, Lava Golem will lose all his resistance and take full damage from all sources.


The best strategy against the Lava Golem is to constantly stay on the move and in the opposite direction of where it is aiming. This way it will become very hard for Lava Golem to effectively land his hits. Never attack Lava Golem during his standard state, as this is generally considered a massive waste of ammo. Wait until there is an opportunity to set him towards the frozen state, move in front of it and then blast away both primary and special weapons at once to maximize the damage dealt.




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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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