Imperator: Rome – Character Interactions
Articles, Imperator: Rome /
26 Mar 2019
Character Interactions
Character Interactions usually have costs in power and or gold, and some have a different chance of success as well, and in Republics, some of the character interactions require senate approval as well.
- Appoint Dictator – Can be done on your ruler in a republic when at war or civil war, and it will allow him to do any diplomacy or character interaction without Senate interfering until the end of the war.
- Assassinate – You can attempt to assassinate a foreign character.
- Banish – To force a character you have previously imprisoned to leave your country.
- Bribe – Increases the loyalty of that character.
- Execute – Permanently move a prisoner to another plane of existence.
- Free Hands – Increases Loyalty and Corruption if that character is one of your Governors.
- Hold Games – With a ruler in a republic, you can spend states money to increase the popularity of the current ruler.
- Imprison – Attempt to relocate someone to a more secure area for future processing.
- Inspire Disloyalty – Reduces loyalty and increases corruption of a foreign character.
- Loan – To get money from a wealthy character. They may want it back though.
- Marry Ruler – If different gender and both ruler and character is unmarried.
- Recruit – To get a character leave a foreign nation and work for you.
- Recruit General – Get a disloyal foreign general to leave his nation and join your nation. With his army.
- Release Prisoner – For bleeding-heart liberals..
- Repay Loan – Sadly you can’t imprison and execute people you owe money…
- Sacrifice Prisoner – Some religions allow you to sacrifice prisoners taken in war, making your tribesmen happy and productive, and making it easier to stay tribal.
- Seek/Stop Treatment – For characters with bad health that you need to live longer or shorter.
- Seduce Governor – Convincing a foreign governor that it’s far better to officially say they are part of your nation, while they regretfully report that about 105% of all collected taxes were lost due to bad harvests and bandits to your government.
- Smear Character – To reduce the popularity of a character.