Imperator: Rome Cheats
Articles, Imperator: Rome /
25 Mar 2019
Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press ~ tilde (which is located under the Escape key (ESC).) to display the console window. Note: You may first need to change your keyboard layout to “US” to use this function. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Code – Effect
annex [<countrytag>] | Annexes the specific country to yours. |
ae [<amount>] | Modifies your aggressive expansion. ae -10 would reduce it by 10. |
army[<cohortcount>][<province>] | Adds specific amount of units in selected province. |
army_loyalty [<prov> <amount>] | Sets army loyalty to specified amount. |
cash [<amount>] | Adds specified amount of gold. |
centralization [<amount>] | Sets centralization to specified amount. |
civil_war [<countrytag>] | Starts a civil war in the specified country. |
conquer [<provid>] | Conquer specified province. |
debug_mode | Shows tags and Ids, equivalent to charinfo in CK2. |
horde [<province>] | Spawns a barbarian horde of 100k units in specified province. |
kill [<id>] | Kills target. |
legitimacy [<amount>] | Modify current ruler legitimacy. |
make_child [mother] [father] | Spawns a child for the specified parents. |
manpower [<amount>] | Add specified amount of Manpower. | | Changes current music track. |
navy[<shipcount>][<province>] | Spawns specified amount of Triremes in province. |
power [<amount>] | Add specified amount to all powers. |
revolt [<countrytag>] | Starts a revolt in specified country. |
stab [<amount>] | Modifies your stability. |
tag [<countrytag>] | Switch tag to another country. |
tyranny [<amount>] | Modifies your tyranny. Tyranny -10 would reduce it by 10. |
tick_day [number of days] | Advances time by the specified number of days. |
yesmen | Activates yesmen (AI accepts all diplomatic proposals). |
debug.achievements.resetall | Resets all achievements (developer command). |
set_age [<id>] [<age>] | Sets character age. |
tech | Gives 1 tech level. |
Tips & Tricks
- Civil wars can be VERY scary and need to be managed with utmost caution.
- There are no piece deals in civil wars – side loses when it runs out of territory.
- Territory taken in a civil war siege instantly switches to the besieger. There is no occupation like with normal war.
- In Diplomacy screen (F7) you can switch your diplomatic stance for a base cost of 100 oratory power. Bonuses they provide may be very significant depending on your situation.
- Stability is decent, but not nearly as crucial as in EU4.
- Declaring an early war without a casus belli is a valid strategy most of the time, but has some limitations.
- At the same time religious power is usually something you have plenty of to spare.
- Aggressive expansion up to 50 points can be managed fairly easily if you assimilate your newly conquered pops fast enough. It will mess with your trading tho.
- Past 50 points aggressive expansion starts to increase all your power costs, so it would be expensive to stay that way for long.
- Tyranny can be very difficult to get rid of to any country that isn’t an Aristocratic Monarchy. Avoid when necessary, the bonuses it provides are not worth it.
- Value of different power points can vary greatly based on your country and overall situation, but Civic seems to be almost always a frontrunner.
- Economy tab (F6) provides a lot of useful information so make sure to give it a read.
- All of the economic policies can be switched in an instant for free so feel free to use them.
- But keep in mind that armies, forts and fleets will not replenish their lost men or morale in an instant.
- Deficit will give you nasty modifiers as well as periodic bad events – avoid as much as possible.
- Most of your income is a result of pop and trade management so look for clues there.
- Each government type has 2 or more civic slots to be filled with available bonuses for 50 oratory power a piece.
- Each of those slots has assigned a type based on a country’s government. Matching those types will provide important bonuses, including additional monthly power income. It’s important to fill those asap.
- New civics become available upon reaching rank 6 and then 12 of the matching research.
- Countries are ranked by the number of cities they control: City State, Local Power, Regional Power, Major Power and Great Power.
- Each subsequent rank provides increasing bonuses and unlock new diplomatic options.
- Becoming a Regional Power (25 to 99 cities) doubles your governmental bonuses including ones to power income. It is important to reach that level as soon as possible.
- Only countries of the same rank can be allies. For example a Regional Power can’t ally with a Local Power, it can only guarantee it.
- You are eliminated from the game by being annexed or losing a civil war.