Imperator: Rome – Cities and Provinces
Articles, Imperator: Rome /
25 Feb 2019
- Each city has an assigned terrain type and a trade good produced. All the other stats are subject to change.
- For each 15 slaves in the city (base value) it will produce and additional “copy” of its trade good.
- That number can be affected by local (I.e. -2 for “Farmland” type of terrain) as well as country-wide modifiers.
- First copy of each resource produced in the province will always stay there providing bonuses to all the cities in it, but the subsequent ones (be it via multiple cities producing the same thing or by slave-induced surplus) can be traded away.
- For each 10 pops in the city you can build an additional building.
- Marketplaces will increase tax and commerce income as well as both current and max civilization value.
- They work best in cities with a lot of slaves and/or citizens and in provinces that import/export a lot. Very useful for increasing the civilization value when needed.
- Training camps increase local manpower and in turn both maximum and monthly manpower of your country.
- Training camps only make sense in cities with a lot of freemen or (less likely) tribesmen.
- Fortresses are also buildings so you can only build them if there are free slots in the city and the province is loyal.
- Fortresses also cost a pretty penny every month, so try not to build to many and check every other war or so if you shouldn’t demolish some of the conquered ones.
- Granaries mainly serve to provide pop growth, but with the current 0.06% increase it would take a single granary 138 years to produce a single pop. Spam responsibly.
- Each city has a civilization value between 0 and the max (hover over green bar under the number to check it).
- Civilization value increases population growth and supply limit as well as affects the happines of the pops in the city.
- Civilization level will usually slowly climb towards the max. It can be sped up using “Civilization Effort” province edict.
- Civilization level can go down rapidly if it’s pillaged. Even more so if it is done by the AI controlled neutral barbarians that periodically spawn in parts of the map. Check barbarian power mapmode (Ctrl+Q).
- If your province borders a barbarian stronghold and your civilization value is high enough (not sure about exact numbers) your “Civilization Effort” edict will gain another effect – chance of increasing the civilization value of the stronghold eventually resulting in its destruction.
- Dominant culture and religion of the province is determined by the most numerous option among all the pops regardless of their type. In case of the draw there will be no change.
- As of 1.0 both dominant culture and religion don’t properly update, often taking months or even years. You can force an update by manually assimilating or converting a pop in the city.
- Each city is a part of the province, which is a part of a region.
- Each province has an automatically generated capital – it’s most populous province at the given time. It has to be conquered to allow demanding the whole province in the peace deal.
- If province is split between multiple states each of those parts will have its own capital for the time being.
- All provinces in the region share the same governor.
- Capital region has the ruler as its governor.
- Governor policies are applied to every province separately and are changed by the AI every time a new governor is appointed (except for capital region).
- Changing a governor policy costs base 50 oratory power and an additional 1 tyranny when done outside capital region.
- Choose your governors wisely. Young (to prevent having to change the policies after an old appointee dies), loyal, not corrupt with high Finesse (for assimilation) and Zeal (if conversion is needed) is what you’re looking for.
- Each city has an unrest score affected by unhappy pops (see: Pops), corrupt governors (see: Characters), war exhaustion, laws, local modifiers, edicts and others.
- Positive unrest score of the city will affect city’s output as well as lower the loyalty of the province the city. The loyalty hit will be based on the % of the province population living in the city.
- If the province loyalty falls below 33 it becomes disloyal disabling almost all the interactions, including ones that would allow you to rectify the problem.
- Your capital province is always loyal.
- 33% of the pops lives in disloyal provinces and subjects a countdown to the civil war will start.
- Turing a province from disloyal to loyal may take a while so it’s important to monitor the loyalty before it’s too late.
- The short term solution is changing governor policy to Local Autonomy or/and lowering the local unrest by changing laws or activating a proper omen.
- Since the most common cause of unrest are unhappy citizens of wrong culture group the best long term solution is using “Cultural Assimilation” governor policy to slowly but surely disarm the problem.
- Colonization is done by moving a single pop to the new city using a “Colonize” button on its interface. It costs base 20 civic power.
- To colonize a city you need to have a neighboring one (be it by land or sea) with at least 10 pops and a dominant culture and religion matching the state one.
- It may be beneficial to move some slaves around or manually convert some pops to enable colonization.