Imperator: Rome - Legitimacy​ - Magic Game World

Imperator: Rome – Legitimacy​

Imperator: Rome - Legitimacy​

While a monarch has the authority to act without seeking approval, their subjects will still react to actions they disapprove of. Legitimacy is a value between -100 and +100 that models the perceived right of the monarch to rule their country.


For the monarchies in Imperator: Rome at the start of the game, this was highly relevant, as most were established in the current generation. None of these monarchies have a firm base of support, and many (like Egypt or the Seleucid Empire) have populations that consider them foreigners.


Legitimacy directly impacts the loyalty of all characters in the country as well as the happiness of all Freemen.


At 0 Legitimacy, all characters in a monarchy are capped at 50 loyalty (out of the normal 100), and at negative Legitimacy, they will suffer ticking loyalty reduction. Legitimacy also directly impacts the cost of enacting laws.


Legitimacy is gained by acting as a good monarch, most importantly:


  • Ruler Popularity


  • High Stability


  • The skill of your currently employed Court Philosopher


Legitimacy is reduced by anything that threatens popular support for the monarchy, most importantly:


  • Low Ruler Popularity


  • War Exhaustion


  • Ruler Corruption


  • The number of employed characters that prefer another successor over the current heir


To help increase Legitimacy, you can use a government action to Strengthen Legitimacy by 10 for a cost of 25 Civic Power and 5 Tyranny. There are also various indirect ways, like Holding Games, that increase popularity and therefore indirectly increase Legitimacy.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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