Imperator: Rome – PC Console Command Cheats
Articles, Imperator: Rome /
26 Apr 2019
To enter Imperator: Rome cheats into the PC Commands Console, hit the key above Tab (~) to bring up the developer console, and enter these codes for the desired effect. Console commands ARE NOT case-sensitive.
Here are the console commands that players might find most useful to have on-hand during their time in Imperator: Rome.
Console Commands
Command – Effect
- annex [<countrytag>] – Annexes the specific country to yours.
- ae [<amount>] – Modifies your aggressive expansion. ae -10 would reduce it by 10.
- army [<cohortcount>] [<province>] – Adds specific amount of units in selected province.
- army_loyalty [<prov> <amount>] – Sets army loyalty to specified amount.
- cash [<amount>] – Adds specified amount of gold.
- centralization [<amount>] – Sets centralization to specified amount.
- civil_war [<countrytag>] – Starts a civil war in the specified country.
- conquer [<provid>] – Conquers specified province.
- debug_mode – Shows tags and IDs, equivalent to charinfo in CK2.
- horde [<province>] – Spawns a barbarian horde of 100k units in specified province.
- kill [<id>] – Kills target.
- legitimacy [<amount>] – Modifies current ruler legitimacy.
- make_child [mother] [father] – Spawns a child for the specified parents.
- manpower [<amount>] – Adds specified amount of manpower.
- – Changes current music track.
- navy [<shipcount>] [<province>] – Spawns specified amount of Triremes in the province.
- power [<amount>] – Adds specified amount to all powers.
- revolt [<countrytag>] – Starts a revolt in the specified country.
- stab [<amount>] – Modifies your stability.
- tag [<countrytag>] – Switches tag to another country.
- tyranny [<amount>] – Modifies your tyranny. Tyranny -10 would reduce it by 10.
- tick_day [number of days] – Advances time by the specified number of days.
- yesmen – Activates yesmen (AI accepts all diplomatic proposals).
- debug.achievements.resetall – Resets all achievements (developer command).
- set_age [<id>] [<age>] – Sets character age.
- tech – Gives 1 tech level.