Imperiums: Greek Wars PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
01 Mar 2020
The list of default key bindings for the most important functions and actions in the game is displayed here, and can be changed to suit your preferences.
Default Keybinds
- Next Unit: Spacebar
- Next idle city: Ctrl+Spacebar
- End Turn: Enter
- Go to: G
- Cancel Move: Q
- Attack: T
- Wait: E
- Build Inside: B
- Build facility: Ctrl+B
- Heal inside: X
- Repair: Ctrl+X
- Train: V
- Upgrade inside: Y
- Improve: Ctrl+V
- Sleep: Ctrl+E
- Emergency aid: Z
- Build town: M
- Raid: P
- Sell: L
- Fortify: F
- Build field/farm: I
- Load unit: H
- Encourage: Oem comma
- Provoke uprising: Oem minus
- Resources breakdown: Tilda
- Move camera farther: Ctrl+[minus]
- Move camera closer: Ctrl+[plus]
- Move map left: LeftArrow or A
- Move map right: RightArrow or D
- Move map up: UpArrow or W
- Move map down: DownArrow or S
- Zoom in: +
- Zoom out: –
- Imperiums Library: F1
- State Window: F2
- Trade Overview: Ctrl+F2
- Foreign Relations Window: F3
- Strategic Overview Window: F4
- Reports List: F5
- Objectives Map: F6
- State Decisions Window: Ctrl+F6
- Map Item Detail Window: F7
- Player Color Overlay: F8
- Terrain Color Overlay: Ctrl+F8
- Supply Area: F9
- Pillage Territories: Ctrl+F9
- Quicksave: F10
- Quickload: F11
- Take screenshot: F12
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