Infinite Adventures - Resources - Magic Game World

Infinite Adventures – Resources

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Mana: This is the familiar RPG resource most are used to. It depletes when using spells and can be restored by resting back in town, hard to find mana potions, or the rare healing devices that can be found in the dungeon. Each mana using class also has a mechanic to restore mana. For example Soul Callers can learn “Body to Mind” which converts a portion of wand damage dealt to mana. Max mana rises every level up.



Focus: Energy resource that is always measured between 0 and 50. It restores very quick outside of combat +10 per step, but slower in combat +10 per turn. Focus characters tend to start a battle with full Focus almost always. This makes them great for random battles but a bit off and on during longer boss fights. You also restore +20 focus if your character evades an attack or lands a critical hit.



Rage: Builds up when you take or deal damage. Always measured between 0 and 100. It decays by -5 rage per step outside of combat. Rage characters aren’t the best at random battles, but they are exceptional in long drawn out boss fights where they can build up significant rage.



Astral: Absorb the mana energy of players and enemies to charge this resource. Always measured between 0 and 150. Whenever anyone on your team or any enemy in combat uses a spell, 50% of the mana used will charage the Astral of any character that uses it. This makes Astral the hardest to use resource. Late game Astral using skills are some of the strongest in the game.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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