Isonzo PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Isonzo PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Isonzo PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Here’s a quick and easy guide to all the keyboard controls and keybindings for Isonzo on PC. We’ve also made a video that walks you through the game settings, including graphics, audio & display options. For more details, watch the video and explore the settings yourself.



All PC Settings



Movement Controls

  • Move Forward: W


  • Move Backward: S


  • Move Left: A


  • Move Right: D


  • Sprint/Hold Breath: LeftShift


  • Jump: Space


  • Crouch: C


  • Prone: LeftControl



Interaction Controls

  • Primary Fire: Left Mouse Button


  • Aim Down Sight / Bandage Teammate / Build Menu: Right Mouse Button


  • Reload: R


  • Melee: F


  • Use: E



Inventory Controls

  • Previous Weapon: Mouse Wheel Down


  • Next Weapon: Mouse Wheel Up


  • Primary Weapon: Alpha1


  • Secondary Weapon: Alpha2


  • Tool: Alpha3


  • Gas Mask: Alpha4


  • Sight Mode / Rifle Grenades: Alpha5


  • Bandage Yourself (Hold): B


  • Throw Grenade: G



Interface Controls

  • Command: Q


  • Team Chat: U


  • Squad Chat: I


  • Global Chat: Y


  • Open Chat: Return


  • Team Voice Chat: LeftAlt


  • Squad Voice Chat: V


  • Voice Commands: X


  • Scoreboard: Tab


  • HUD Control: T


  • Zoom Map: N


  • Overview Map: M


  • Rotate Buildable Left: Comma


  • Rotate Buildable Right: Period



Look Options

  • Look Up: Mouse Up


  • Look Down: Mouse Down


  • Look Left: Mouse Left


  • Look Right: Mouse Right


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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