Jagged Alliance 3: Best Starting Mercenaries and Hiring Tips - Magic Game World

Jagged Alliance 3: Best Starting Mercenaries and Hiring Tips


Understanding Hiring Mechanics

Before we dive into specific recommendations, let’s get to know some fundamental principles behind the hiring process in Jagged Alliance 3.


Random Availability: The availability of mercenaries is randomized at the start of the game. This means the specific mercenary you’re looking for might not always be available in the initial lineup. If you’re set on using the lineup this guide suggests, you may need to restart your game multiple times until you find the desired mercenaries.


Legendary Mercenaries: Initially, you won’t be able to recruit legendary mercenaries until you’ve purchased AIM Gold. However, don’t let this discourage you. While legendary mercenaries are indeed powerful, veterans are also a solid choice for initial recruitment as they are highly useful and capable.


Compatibility Matters: Mercenaries have unique personalities. Some mesh well with certain colleagues, while others may not get along. For instance, Sarah and MD don’t get along, which could potentially lead to team dynamic issues.


Long-term Hiring: Engaging mercenaries for longer terms can be more cost-efficient. Always aim to hire mercenaries for the longest possible period of 14 days, if you have the funds. This might seem costly upfront, but in the long run, it proves to be much more economical and efficient.



The Ideal Starting Mercenary Lineup

Now, let’s discuss the ideal starting lineup. You’ll want a balanced team that can handle a variety of situations. This guide recommends starting with a medic, a mechanic, an explosives expert, and an all-rounder. Here are the specifics:



Medic – Fox:

Fox is your ideal starting choice for a medic despite having a lower medical rating than MD, another medic in the game. Fox’s unique perks outweigh her initial medical disadvantage. She has “Opportunistic Killer” and “Ambidextrous” perks that boost her combat efficiency. Her most notable perk, “Striking Looks,” ensures that when she initiates combat, enemies are more than just alerted – they’re surprised, providing a significant tactical advantage.



Mechanic – Kalyna:

Kalyna, despite having a lower mechanical rating than Livewire, another mechanic, is the recommended choice for the mechanic role. Her superior leadership skills can significantly reduce the costs associated with recruiting and training militia. Kalyna also starts with a rifle, facilitating long-range engagement opportunities right from the start.



Explosives Expert – Barry:

While Barry might lack in charisma, he stands out as one of the most cost-effective options. His specialty lies in explosives, and his unique perk, “Boutique Explosives,” enables him to produce two shape charges every week. These directional grenades can provide strategic advantages during combat, making Barry a worthwhile addition to the team.



All-Rounder – Wolf:

Peter Wolf Anderson is your versatile all-rounder. He possesses high strength and health, making him robust and resilient on the battlefield. Wolf comes equipped with a double-barrel shotgun, ensuring significant firepower from the start. Even though he has low leadership skills, his “Jack of All Trades” trait compensates by enabling him to complete all operations approximately 33% faster. This trait can save you a lot of valuable time throughout your campaign.


Jagged Alliance 3: 20 Tips and Tricks for Beginners


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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