Just Cause 4 - Grappling Hook & Tether - Magic Game World

Just Cause 4 – Grappling Hook & Tether

Just Cause 4 - Grappling Hook & Tether

LB/L1 fires the hook, reeling you in if you tap it. If you hold it, it fires at the object and attaches. While holding LB/L1, move the crosshair to the second object you want to tether, then release LB/L1.


  • When two objects are tethered, LT/L2 retracts the cable between them, pulling them together if the tether is strong enough and the object can move.


For example, cars can be tethered and smashed into each other, but permanent buildings and structures can’t be moved, so the tether will snap.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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