Just Cause 4 - Tips & Tricks - Magic Game World

Just Cause 4 – Tips & Tricks

Just Cause 4 - Tips & Tricks

  • You can skip cutscenes; in fact – all you need to do is hold B on the pad. (also, pressing Esc, the option appears).


  • This is new to the series. In Just Cause 4, Rico’s grappling hook can be upgraded, which is his signature weapon. You can deploy balloons that carry items from one place to the next, and then there are the guns that can also be modded.


  • With a virtual cornucopia of enemy vehicles and soldiers coming at players from all angles, using the correct weapons means the difference between life and death. Weapons are broken down into three tiers (dual weapons, two-handed weapons, and special weapons), and players can only carry one of each tier.


  • If you are taking too much damage, get the hell out of there via Grappling Hook.


  • To take down choppers, you can use your Grappling Hook to Tether then on the Ground then charge them with the attacks.


  • During the Mission or chase, if you run out of Ammo and you need to hold enemies, then try grappling and hooking the object to other and thus holding it will hold them and eventually explode by the collision.


  • Not every vehicle is available to store at your garage. Some have to be unlocked from the army bases, completing missions and unlocking skills.


  • Traveling and exploring is Fun, so explore the area to know more about the place and hidden towns and settlements.


  • Once you have any Skills unlocked, remember to activate them from the Menu.


  • You cannot see the areas you haven’t yet liberated or visited on the map, but if you would like to have a look at it, go to the map and zoom out, then take the cursor on the province.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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