Kaiserpunk: Essential Guide to Training Military Units - Magic Game World

Kaiserpunk: Essential Guide to Training Military Units

Kaiserpunk: Essential Guide to Training Military Units

Military units are trained in Military bases (or Naval bases and Airbases depending on the type of army in question). Before you can train a new unit, keep in mind that you’ll need to fulfill the following prerequisites:


  • Have an empty unit slot in the army


  • Have at least 15 Recruits


  • Have enough weapons (what kind of weapon depends on the type of unit)


Kaiserpunk: Essential Guide to Training Military Units


To initiate training, click on a unit slot on the military base info panel. This will open a new popup panel where you can choose what unit to train. If you wish to change an already existing unit, do the same procedure, but click on a filled unit slot.


Training progress can be monitored on that same info panel. Training is done in several steps:


  • Gathering recruits (recruits are periodically taken in, if there are any recruits available)


  • Gathering resources (weapons are brought to the military base)


  • Training (the unit undergoes training and once it’s done it automatically becomes a part of the army)


Keep in mind regarding that last step that the unit will only immediately become a part of the army if the army is actually in the region. If the army is already deployed to another region, it will take time for the new unit to reach its army. This step is similar to army deployment.


To make matters easier, you can queue up to 8 units to be trained one after another. Eight is the maximum number of units in any army.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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