Kaiserpunk: Managing Morale and Citizen Needs - Magic Game World

Kaiserpunk: Managing Morale and Citizen Needs

Kaiserpunk: Managing Morale and Citizen Needs

Morale is a general overview of a class’ sentiment, of how they feel in your city (and about you as the leader). Morale consists of several categories, each with its own impact:




Your residents, as people do, have basic needs, like food or water. Laborers are not fussy. They only want two things: 🥬 Vegetables and 🍞 Bread. Other, more sophisticated classes will require more things. It is up to you to organize and acquire, either through production or some other means, the needs wanted by your citizens. If their needs are not met… they will leave! Oh, and before they leave, they’ll make a big fuss about it and might just burn your city to the ground.




The finer things in life… While luxuries are a segment of overall Morale, not having access to them will not make your citizens leave. Where would they go? At least here they have food… But, keep in mind that the more luxuries they have available, the more they are willing to spend of their own hard-earned cash and a piece of that goes directly into your treasury. Simply put: more luxuries = more 💵 cash for you




To keep your citizens healthy, you’ll need Clinics and Hospitals. It’s as simple as that. Otherwise, you will have disease outbreaks and that can lead to even worse disasters.




Low (public) safety means your quaint little city has some rampant criminal elements. These can break out into full-on crime sprees and even riots and rebellions. Keep your citizens safe!




An uneducated population will drag your technological advancement into the dirt, by directly slowing down the rate of your research. Build schools, universities, and other education facilities to fight ignorance!


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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