Kaiserpunk - Managing Water and Electricity Supply - Magic Game World

Kaiserpunk – Managing Water and Electricity Supply

Kaiserpunk - Managing Water and Electricity Supply

Producing Water

Water is also a resource, but it is handled differently in Kaiserpunk. Unlike other resources, you cannot store Water. Instead, what you need to watch over are supply, demand & distribution.


Water is produced in Water pumps that can only be built on water deposits. A single water pump can draw a limited amount of water and pump it into the distribution system. If more is required, you’ll need more water pumps. The produced water is distributed through water pipes that are automatically laid out with roads, so you don’t have to worry about that too much. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll simply refer to roads as the main water carrier.


The final destination point of the produced water are Water towers. Water towers distribute water within a certain radius around them (also via roads) to surrounding buildings that require water in the first place. It is important to keep in mind that Water towers have a limited distribution capacity. When all water requirements in an area is combined, if that amount exceeds a single Water tower, you’ll need to either move some of the buildings to another area or build another Water tower to increase end-of-the-line distribution.



Producing Electricity

Electricity, much like Water, is a special resource that cannot be stored. Instead; what you need to watch over are supply, demand, and distribution.


Electricity is produced by various Power plants. The simplest and cheapest of which is the Windmill. The Windmill will get you started, but don’t rely on it. The amount of Electricity that it can provide is minimal. Sooner or later, you’ll have to upgrade to a proper Power plant that require some form of fuel to function. Coal is the basic fuel and is used by Coal power plants to produce Electricity. Diesel is the second best choice, and finally there are Natural gas power plants that, logically, use Natural gas as a fuel source.


Again, much like Water, Electricity is transported via electrical cables automatically laid out with roads.


Keep in mind that a single Power substation has a limit on how much Electricity it can distribute. Meaning, if the need for Electricity in an area is greater than what a single Power substation can handle, you’ll need to build additional substations in that same area. Alternatively, you can move some of the consumer buildings to a different area.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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