Kaiserpunk PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Kaiserpunk PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Kaiserpunk PC Keyboard Controls Guide

The basic controls in Kaiserpunk are as one would expect. Keep in mind that the buttons and shortcuts noted here are the default setup. You can change the key mapping in the options menu at any time.



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PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts

  • WSAD to pan the camera around, or alternatively, press and hold the right mouse button and move the mouse


  • QE to rotate the camera using the keyboard. You can also press and hold the middle mouse button or the ALT key and move the mouse around


  • Numpad+ and Numpad- to zoom the camera in and out. The same can be done using the mouse wheel


  • Space toggles the game simulation pause


  • PageUp and PageDown control simulation speed


  • Press F1 to open the in-game Encyclopedia


  • Press F10 to open the in-game menu


  • Esc to open the City-state Dashboard


  • M switches between the city and the world map views


  • I opens up your overall stock (inventory)


  • U opens the development panel


  • G toggles the visibility of the helpful grid overlay


  • TAB switches between the two HUD modes: City and Military


  • Home moves the camera to your Town center


  • R rotates the building you’re currently placing


  • B cycles through the available models of the building you’re placing


  • F5 is used to quick save


  • F8 is used to load the last created quick save (if any)


  • The numbers 1 through 8 correspond to the 8 quickbar slots on the HUD, meaning to whatever you’ve placed in the slots



Useful Tidbits to Keep in Mind

There are a couple of useful tidbits to keep in mind:


  • Using the right mouse button or the Esc key closes/deactivates the current action. For example, if you’ve opened the Agriculture buildings category and you’ve selected the Grain field to place it, you can press the right mouse button (or the Esc key) to go back one step, meaning the first time you press the Cancel action, you’ll no longer have the Grain field selected. Pressing RMB again will close the Agriculture category. This approach is used all over the Kaiserpunk UI.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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