Kaku Ancient Seal PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Kaku Ancient Seal PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Kaku Ancient Seal PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Hi everyone, let’s go over the keyboard controls for Kaku Ancient Seal on PC real quick. We’ve also put together a silent video that shows all the game settings covering everything from graphics to sound and display. To get all the details, take a look at the video and explore the settings on your own.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Controls & Keybindings

  • Forward: W


  • Back: S


  • Left: A


  • Right: D


  • Sprint: Left Ctrl


  • Jump: Space Bar


  • Dodge: Left Shift


  • Weapon Attack: Left Mouse Button


  • Armblade Attack: Right Mouse Button


  • Aim: R


  • Shoot: Left Mouse Button


  • Parry: F


  • Interact: E


  • Skip: Tab


  • Menu: Escape


  • Settings: O


  • Map: M


  • Character: I


  • Backpack: B


  • Lock-on enemy: Tab


  • Track Quests: Right Mouse Button


  • Aim Toggle: C


  • Reset Camera: V


  • Quick Access 1: 1


  • Quick Access: 2


  • Quick Access 3: 3


  • Quick Access 4: 4


  • Ability Bar: Middle Mouse Button


  • Weapon Ultimate: 1


  • Armblade Ultimates: 2


  • Slingshot Ultimate: 3


  • Awakening: 4


  • Spatial Teleportation: F1


  • Power Leap: F2


  • Ripple Stride: F3


  • Piggy Disguise: F4


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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