Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Where to Find Save Files on PC, PS5, and Xbox - Magic Game World

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Where to Find Save Files on PC, PS5, and Xbox

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Ah, Kingdom Come: Deliverance II-where you finally get to live your dream of being a medieval warrior until you realize it’s way more difficult than swinging a sword around. If you played the first game, then you already know the drill: realistic combat, historical accuracy, and the perpetual struggle of not starving, bleeding out, or getting arrested because you accidentally bumped into a noble. And if you’re new?? Well, get ready for an RPG that doesn’t coddle you-unless it’s to slap your hand for not knowing how to block properly.


The biggest change this time around -> Warhorse Studios has ditched CryEngine and moved to Unreal Engine 5, meaning Bohemia has never looked better. The forests are denser, the castles grander, and the combat even smoother-so now, when you get absolutely wrecked by a bandit, at least it’ll look really pretty.


But let’s be realistic here; all this doesn’t matter when you lose your save files… so let’s talk about where to find them before you rage quit and hurl your controller across the room.



Where Are Your Save Files?

On PC, your save files are stored in the Saved Games folder. You’ll find them at:

%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\kingdomcome2\saves\


To access them just open File Explorer, copy & paste that path into the address bar, and hit Enter. This is where your progress lives, so if you’re the kind of player who likes to manually back up saves-totally not because you made a bad decision and want a redo-this is the place to do it.


On PS5 this is all managed through the system settings. Jump into Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Saved Data (PS5) to access your list of local saves, or upload them to the cloud if you have PS Plus, or just marvel at how little space you have left on your SSD.


On Xbox Series X/S, they autosave to the cloud, but you can still access them yourself by pressing the Xbox button, My Games & Apps > See All > Games, highlight Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, press the Menu button, then Manage Game and Add-ons > Saved Data.


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Cheats and Console Commands Guide


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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