Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero - How to Find Adventures - Magic Game World

Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero – How to Find Adventures

Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero - How to Find Adventures

One of the main things heroes do is go on adventures. You can find adventures in almost any terrain except plains and seas. To start an adventure, your heroes need to be at a location and select Gather Rumors. Little “?” symbols might pop up on the map, signaling spots to explore. Some of these rumors are true, but many are false. If you hit a true rumor, it’ll lead you to an adventure.


  • It’s best to have a group of 6 heroes when exploring an adventure. Once you find one, it gets tagged on the map with one of four levels: Low (L), Medium (M), High (H), and Extreme (X). You can choose to auto-complete the adventure, explore it manually, or just scout it to check its difficulty.


  • Auto-complete wraps up the adventure instantly. It shows how many turns it took and the chance of each hero dying during the adventure. Heroes that survive auto-exploring come back to the nearest location on the map.


  • Manual exploration means you have to check out all the hexes in the adventure, dealing with traps and unique monsters. For bigger adventures, you can Camp to heal and restore health. You can leave and return to an adventure whenever you want to finish it.


  • Scouting brings your party back to the map without using any movement. This option is just for getting info on the adventure. Pressing the Leave button in the lower left does the same thing.


  • Once you choose manual exploration, you can’t switch to auto-explore anymore.


  • As you explore, a log keeps track of your actions and encounters on the right side of the screen. This log gets wiped when you leave or finish the adventure. You can use the arrow symbols or map movement keys to navigate the adventure.


  • At the top of the screen, you’ll see the magical boosts your party has that give it armor and magical bonuses based on the heroes in your party. During combat, your heroes can use different tactics to attack and defend. Using tactics speeds up the adventure and lowers the chances of your heroes dying.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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