Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero: Research Guide - Magic Game World

Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero: Research Guide

Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero: Research Guide

Researching Fields

To attain a level in a research field, a kingdom must attain 30 progress points per level they are currently at. The base chance of success in advancing progress in a research field is 40%. Each research field can have up to 10 alchemists. For each additional alchemist above the first, there is a diminishing set of returns, but you get more tries to advance your progress.



Recruiting New Alchemists

For every 5 population a kingdom has, there is a 3% chance to recruit a new alchemist. Larger kingdoms have more chances to recruit alchemists. Libraries increase the maximum alchemists by +5 and count as 5 population toward recruiting a new alchemist.



Multiple Alchemists

Each alchemist beyond the first invested loses 4% effectiveness to research for every alchemist already researching due to bureaucracy and management. For example, if there are 4 alchemists, research is each 84% as effective at researching.




A governor with the creative trait can add a 0.01% to 5% bonus toward progress attempts. This bonus depends on the population size of the location they govern. Larger locations yield greater bonuses. It is recommended to put these heroes in locations that are cities or larger. Multiple governors with the creative trait add together to form a larger bonus.


Collaborating with other kingdoms adds a bonus to research depending on their research capabilities. The smaller of two kingdoms benefit the most from a collaboration agreement for research. The closer a kingdom is collaborating, the greater the bonus. Far kingdoms offer very little in return.



Success Formula

The research success chance base is 40%:


  • Alchemist modifier


  • Collaboration Bonus (depending on kingdom)


  • Creative Trait Bonus for governor based on location size


  • Artifact bonus


Each alchemist rolls their chance of success with the additional modifiers. Each success increases progress. Once progress attains enough to advance in level, progress is reset to zero and the level is advanced, unlocking more abilities.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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