Kingdom, Dungeon and Hero: Unit Attributes and Abilities Guide - Magic Game World

Kingdom, Dungeon and Hero: Unit Attributes and Abilities Guide

Kingdom, Dungeon and Hero: Unit Attributes and Abilities Guide

This helps you figure out your best warriors in Kingdom, Dungeon and Hero! Let’s see what your guys can do!



Unit Attributes

Footman – Can fight in any terrain with the lowest of penalties


Lancer – Can fight in any terrain with the lowest of penalties and counts toward a defender’s cavalry advantage ratio


Cavalry – Adds to offensive and defensive cavalry advantage, 50% combat power when attacking locations


Naval – Unit fights at sea, having no impact on land combat, can blockade a port for supply, can perform piracy


Strength – How many hits the unit can take before being destroyed


Move – Ability to move on the map impeded by terrain and weather but may always move at least 1 hex per turn


Range – Fighting value in the first exchange of damage during combat


Melee – Fighting value in the second exchange of damage during combat


Pursuit – Extra damage when a battle is won imposed on the loser of the battle


Naval – Fighting value in naval combat


Siege – Ability to breach the location’s fortification and destroy a fortification level


Armor – Ability to resist damage taken


Morale – Ability to take damage during combat and not retreat while adding to combat value


Rations – Food cost per turn regardless of the strength value


Stipend – Gold cost per turn regardless of the strength value



Special attributes unit types hold:

Undead – No food upkeep


Construct – No food upkeep, requires shards to repair


Can’t Repair – Unit may not be repaired


Protected – Targeted 75% less in combat when applying damage


Forager – Has a 50% chance to forage and avoid starvation penalties


Victory Points – Building the unit earns victory points for the kingdom


Curse Creator – Generates 3 corruption curse points per turn


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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