Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero - Weather and Zones Guide - Magic Game World

Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero – Weather and Zones Guide

Kingdom, Dungeon, and Hero - Weather and Zones Guide


Weather affects a variety of factors for military units: movement, range round of combat, sieges, and foraging. It also affects food production. In months that can be cold, snow, or blizzard food production is halved. In months where it is always clear food is doubled.




Weather zones are differentiated by their latitude on the planet. Northern zones have winter at the start and end of years. Equator zones do not have a winter season. Southern zones have winter in the middle of the year.


Weather zones in the Northern hemisphere: Arctic, Winter, Temperate, Arid


Weather zones at the Equator: Tropical


Weather zones in the Southern hemisphere: South Arid, South Temperate, South Winter, Antarctic



Military Unit Effects

Clear – 100% foraging.


Cold – 70% foraging.


Rain – 50% naval spot chance modifier, +10% cover range, +10% defending a location, +1 movement cost, 100% foraging.


Storm – 25% naval spot chance modifier, +40% cover range, +40% defending a location, +2 movement cost, 85% foraging.


Snow – 50% naval spot chance modifier, +10% cover range, +10% defending a location, +1 movement cost, 30% foraging.


Blizzard – 25% naval spot chance modifier, +40% cover range, +40% defending a location, +2 movement cost, 0% foraging.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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