Kingdom Two Crowns - Mounts - Magic Game World

Kingdom Two Crowns – Mounts

Kingdom Two Crowns - Mounts

Below is a guide about the many different mounts you can ride in this game and how riding each one will benefit you differently. Unlocking any new mount will always cost from 1 to 3 gems, and once unlocked, they can be mounted by paying a certain amount in coins. Switching to another mount is done similarly—you pay the same amount to switch back.


All mounts can run, but running will drain your mount’s stamina. If your mount runs out of stamina, you’ll need to wait until it fully regains stamina before you can sprint again. You can tell when it’s ready if it stops breathing heavily. To refill your mount’s stamina faster, stand still above some grass and let your mount graze. Once your mount completes its grazing, it will receive a full stamina refill and a boost. These boosts grant unlimited stamina for a set period, starting when the grazing is finished. Walking during this boost period will not preserve the boost. You’ll know the stamina boost is still active when your mount creates white dust particles around its legs while running.




  • Island: 1


  • Spawn Point: Spawns by crash landing in front of you


  • Unlock Cost: 2 Gems


  • Cost: 8 Coins


While riding this mount, a stamina boost can be obtained when standing on any terrain, even in winter. The Griffon can also perform a blowback and stun enemies with a short burst of stamina by standing still and pressing [Left Shift]. This stamina is taken directly from base stamina and does not interact with the stamina boost, meaning you can’t spam the blowback move while boosted.



The Lizard

  • Island:


  • Spawn Point: Large stone engraved with a picture of a gem


  • Unlock Cost: 3 Gems


  • Cost: 14 Coins


The Lizard (or Dragon) functions differently from other mounts. It has a sprint like the others, but it is fast on all terrain. Its speed boost is gained by resting under sunlight, making it impossible to obtain a boost at night. At the cost of stamina, the Lizard can breathe fire by standing still and holding [Left Shift], or by sprinting through a double-click. There is a short wind-up before the attack, which creates a fire trap that burns enemies for a few seconds.



The Unicorn

  • Island: 5


  • Spawn Point: Pink tree


  • Unlock Cost: 4 Gems


  • Cost: 16 Coins


The Unicorn functions like it did in the previous game. It spawns from the pink tree, runs faster on grass, and upon grazing, will eject 3 coins, providing an easy way for monarchs to earn money.



The Stag

  • Island:


  • Spawn Point: Waterfall


  • Unlock Cost: 1 Gem


  • Cost: 3 Coins


For just 1 gem and 3 coins, the Stag is one of the best mobility mounts. It has the fastest sprinting and walking speed in forests and has decent stamina. Additionally, standing near deer for a few seconds will make hearts appear above the deer’s head, causing them to follow you, leading them back to your archers for easy hunting.



The War Horse

  • Island: 3


  • Spawn Point: Battlefield with skeleton


  • Unlock Cost: 2 Gems


  • Cost: 14 Coins


The War Horse has slightly better stats than the default horse and is capable of buffing nearby troops when it starts running. Buffed troops will flash white for about 10 seconds, during which they take no damage from enemies, often turning the tide in battle. The boost can be reused after about 15 seconds.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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