Knights of Honor II: Sovereign PC Cheats - Magic Game World

Knights of Honor II: Sovereign PC Cheats

Knights of Honor II: Sovereign PC Cheats

To use cheat codes in Knights of Honor II: Sovereign, you must first enable the in-game console by adding a launch parameter to the game. To do this, right-click the game in your Steam library and select “Properties”. In the window that appears, click the “LAUNCH OPTIONS” tab and enter “–ForceEnableConsole” (without quotation marks). Once you have completed these steps, you can start the game and either load an existing campaign or start a new game to try out cheat codes.


To open the console in the game, press the “tilde” key, also known as the backquote or backtick key, which is located above the TAB key on most keyboards. If you are using a keyboard with a different layout, you may need to press a different key to open the console. Once it is open, you can enter any of the cheat codes provided in the list. For example, to set your cheat level to 3, you would type “cl 3” in the console and press “Enter” to activate the cheat. Please be aware that some of these cheat codes may have unintended consequences, such as breaking the game or causing it to behave unexpectedly. Use them at your own risk.



PC Cheat Codes and Console Commands

cl – Displays the current cheat level.


cl X – Sets the current cheat level to X, where X must be between 0 (None) and 3 (High).


help X – Provides information about the specified console command, where X must be another console command.


clear – Clears the console of previous commands. Note that this does not undo the commands previously entered.




gold X – Sets the gold of the player kingdom to X.


give_gold X – Gives X gold to the selected kingdom.


piety X – Sets the piety of the player kingdom to X.


give_piety X – Gives X piety to the selected kingdom.


books X – Sets the books of the player kingdom to X.


give_books X – Gives X books to the selected kingdom.


spawn_pop X – Gives X population to the selected realm/province.




max X – Levels up the selected character’s skill. If X is 1, all skills are leveled up. If X is 0, a random skill is leveled up.



Misc. commands:

unprison – Frees the selected character.


imprison_all – Imprisons everyone in the selected kingdom.


conquer – Conquers the selected kingdom.


kill – Kills the currently selected character.


add_child X – Adds a child to the selected kingdom. If X is 0, a prince will be added. If X is something else, a princess will be added.


force_endless_game X – Enables/disables the game from ending even if an endgame condition has been met. If X is 1, it is enabled. If X is 0, it is disabled.


sub X – Makes the selected kingdom a vassal/independent. If X is 1, the kingdom becomes a vassal. If X is 0, it becomes independent.


cal X – Makes the selected kingdom a caliphate. If X is 1, the kingdom becomes a caliphate. If X is 0, it becomes non-caliphate.


cr X – Changes the religion of the selected kingdom. Allowed values for X are “Catholic”, “Orthodox”, “Muslim”, and “Pagan”.


crr X – Changes the religion of the selected realm/province. Allowed values for X are “Catholic”, “Orthodox”, “Muslim”, and “Pagan”.


ex – Excommunicates the selected kingdom.


unex – Removes ex-communication from the selected kingdom.


restore_papacy – Restores the papacy.


rai Enables/disables spawning of rebels.




gai – Enables/disables the AI for everyone.


kai – Disables the AI for the selected kingdom.


bai – Enables/disables the AI in the battle view.


rai – Enables/disables the AI for rebels.


Thank you for using our list of Knights of Honor II: Sovereign PC cheats. We hope these codes help you enhance your gameplay and experience in the game. Remember to use them at your own risk, as some of the codes may have unintended consequences. Happy gaming!


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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