League Of Legends - Neeko - Useful Tips and Tricks - Magic Game World

League Of Legends – Neeko – Useful Tips and Tricks

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Mastering a champion immediately is near impossible. It takes a lot of time, dedication, and practice before you can get the hang of a champion and build proficiency. Neeko seems to be one of those weird champions that take a lot of practice to utilize their kit fully. With that said, here are some tips and tricks that we’ve learned so far.



Be creative!

During her development, Neeko was teased as the “color mage.” It’s fitting that she has one of the kits that rewards your ability to think outside of the box. You should be using her ability to take upon the cosmetic identities of her allies to create confusion and chaos; the possibilities are endless. For example, you can:


  • Pretend that your Jungler is ganking through lane or from a river bush


  • Take the form of a low health ally (while you are healthy) to bait them to dive on you.


  • Transform into an engager on your team and make them second guess which of the three Malphites are going to ult them.


  • Remember that you can change forms immediately after W’ing so you can send out one allied clone out of a bush and then come out to another side as a completely different ally.



Be discreet

Neeko’s kit relies on surprising the enemy. If they see what you’re doing, they will not fool for your bait. This means that any use of your Passive or Ultimate in the early game should be done out of sight of the enemy.



Know the limits and mechanics of her W

Neeko’s W is a core component of her kit and playstyle, so she knows it well. It has a ton of utility when used correctly; here are some quick tips regarding it.


  • The clones grant vision; use it instead of face-checking when you can.


  • You cannot use your W for dashing over or through a wall.


  • There is a short delay before the clone appears, so although you can block skillshots with it, you’ll have to time it a bit preemptively.


  • Play around and test different interactions – for example, you cannot blast cone your clone over a wall like you can with Heimerdinger’s turrets.



Abuse her strong level 2

Hitting level 2 first is important in every lane, but Neeko is one of those champs who can successfully all-in for a kill. If you can use your E+Q on the enemy, you will notice that you do a lot of damage in the early level exchanges. Mix this in with Ignite, and the enemy is in for a rough early game.



Abuse her short ultimate CD

If you are going for 45% CDR too – your ultimate will be on a CD of just under 50 seconds. This is insanely low for such a game-changing ultimate so try to be in a position to use it whenever it’s about to come up.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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