LEGO® DC Super-Villains - Apokolips, Wow! - Story Mode Walkthrough - Magic Game World

LEGO® DC Super-Villains – Apokolips, Wow! – Story Mode Walkthrough

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Apokolips, Wow! – Story Mode

Enemies: Parademon
Starting Characters: Rookie, Harley Quinn, The Joker
True Villain: 270,000



1. Head down the path, then use the grapple point on the right to reveal a vent. Travel through it, then grab the bar to reveal poles. Switch to Harley Quinn and build the LEGO pieces into a fan, then ride the current up to the ledge. Swing across the poles, then grab the other bar to extend the bridge. Graffiti the wall to destroy the door, then head into the room. Interact with the object in the center as your character to gain the “Earth Access” and “Chlorokinesis” abilities. Grow the plant to create platforms, then hop up. Use the grapple point on the left to reveal LEGO pieces on the right. Build them into a hatch, then send a drone through it and destroy the silver object. This will open the door. Continue down the hallway, then grow the plant in front of the force field. Use chlorokinesis to grow it to the right, revealing a ladder. Climb up, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an impact switch, then use it to lower the force field. Use the grapple point.



2. Destroy the gold support columns to reveal gold ropes. Destroy them to destroy the bridge, allowing you to continue. You will then switch to your character. Hop onto the platform on the left, then destroy the gold object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a bar, then grab it to reveal statues. Destroy the silver supports to create a bridge, allowing you to continue. Destroy the gold parts of the tank to expose the core on the left. Destroy it to destroy the tank, clearing the path ahead. Charge up the generator to repair the tank, allowing you to continue and end the level.


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