LEGO® DC Super-Villains - Arkham Barely Believe It - Story Mode - Magic Game World

LEGO® DC Super-Villains – Arkham Barely Believe It – Story Mode

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Arkham Barely Believe It – Story Mode

Enemies: Arkham Guard, Brainwashed Inmate


Boss: Monster Man


Starting Characters: The Joker, Captain Cold


Added Characters: Livewire, Reverse-Flash, Malcolm Merlyn, Solomon Grundy


True Villain: 250,000


1. Head to the right and destroy the silver hatch on the pipe to revel water. Freeze it to create a bridge. Cross it, then graffiti the wall to destroy it. Destroy the glowing objects in the alcove to break Livewire out, adding her to your party. Charge up the red generator on the wall to cause an explosion. Put out the fires, then travel through the vent to reach the ledge. Pull the lever to open the gate, then destroy the silver panel on the wall to break out Reverse-Flash. Destroy the glass door, then hop up the walls to reach the upper ledge. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a valve, then turn it to raise up a cell. Use the grapple point on it to release the Joker Goons, then recruit them. Head back to the right and command them to create a bridge, then cross it. Destroy the glass door on the right, then hop in the fuse box. Hit the switch at the end to open the door. Walkthrough the opening.


2. Malcolm Merlyn has been added to your party. Livewire and Reverse-Flash are temporarily unavailable as they are rather focused on smacking the stairs on the right. Build the LEGO pieces that appear into a laughter toxin barrel. Time to collect some ingredients. Put out the fires, then destroy the objects to reveal the first. Destroy the silver lock on the chest to reveal the second. Put out the fires on the right, then send a drone through the hatch. Destroy the silver objects to reveal the third. Collect all 3 ingredients, then brew the laughter toxin. Use it to bypass the security station on the left, opening the gate. Freeze the water to allow you to stand still, then build the LEGO pieces into a projectile rebound panel. Use it to hit the bottom right bounce pad, opening the cell door. Livewire will then be added back to the party. Charge the generator to wake up Solomon Grundy, adding him to your party. Grow the plant to create platforms, adding Reverse-Flash back to the party. Hop up the platforms, then head right and destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a cosmic treadmill then use it. Run around and collect 10 objects to construct a massive cannon. Charge the generator on the back of it to bust down the exit door. Walk down the hallway.


3. Well this is great. You’re down to The Joker and Livewire to take on Monster Man, Hugo Strange’s creation. Build the LEGO pieces into a valve, then hop on it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trap, taking out two of Monster Man’s hearts. He will then chase you around. You can slow him down by shooting the various valves and objects on the left. After a bit of time, he will stop chasing you. Charge the generator to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to reveal a valve. Hop up and turn it to damage Monster Man again. He will then chase you again. Again, you can shoot valves and the objects on the left to slow him down. After a bit of time, he will stop chasing you. Destroy the silver boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to open the hatch. Drop down as The Joker and build the LEGO pieces into platforms, allowing Livewire to join you. Charge up the generator to stun Monster Man, then smack him to end the level.


Unlocked Characters: Livewire


Hugo Strange (10,000)


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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