LEGO® DC Super-Villains - Fight at the Museum - Story Mode Walkthrough - Magic Game World

LEGO® DC Super-Villains – Fight at the Museum – Story Mode Walkthrough

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Fight at the Museum – Story Mode

Enemies: Museum Guard
Boss: Mazahs, Shazam
Starting Characters: The Joker, Harley Quinn, Sinestro, Clayface
Added Characters: Black Adam
True Villain: 100,000



1. Time to make some laughter toxin. Use the super strength handle on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a valve, then turn it to reveal the LEGO pieces for the laughter toxin barrel. The first ingredient can be found by destroying the silver platter. The second can be found by using the impact panel on the right. For the third, use the grapple point on the right to reveal it. After collecting the three ingredients, brew the laughter toxin and deposit it into the vent to distract the guard. Build the LEGO pieces that appear into a boost panel, then use Clayface’s large form to boost someone up, revealing a ladder. Climb back up and enter the fuse box, then hit the switch at the end to open the gate. Continue into the large room, then use the grapple point on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Lantern panel, then use it to rotate the mirror. Head to the left, then use the super strength handle to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an impact switch, then use it to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into a mirror, then turn the rotary handle to shine the light on the obelisk.



2. Time to face Mazahs. You have Sinestro and Black Adam for this fight. Avoid Mazahs’ attacks, then hit him when he’s vulnerable. After you take out three hearts, follow the button prompts to repel the electricity beam, then repeat the process until Mazahs is defeated. After that, Shazam will take you on. His fight is exactly the same as Mazahs’. Defeat him to end the level.



Unlocked Characters: Black Adam
Mazahs (150,000)
Shazam (250,000)


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