LEGO® DC Super-Villains - It's Good To Be Bad - Story Mode Walkthrough - Magic Game World

LEGO® DC Super-Villains – It’s Good To Be Bad – Story Mode Walkthrough

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It’s Good To Be Bad – Story Mode Walkthrough

Enemies: Police Officer

Boss: Nightwing, Batgirl

Starting Characters: The Riddler, Clayface, Scarecrow

Added Characters: Catwoman, Two-Face, The Penguin, Clayface

True Villain: 105,000



1. Head up the stairs and destroy the glowing computer to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a vent, then travel through it. Defeat the enemies to clear the stairs, then head up to the top. You are going to have to create some fear toxin. The first ingredient can be found by using detective mode on the left. The second can be found by destroying the cobweb on the left side. The third can be collected by destroying the objects on the right to reveal a wall. Graffiti it to reveal the final ingredient. Destroy the glowing objects in the center of the top level to reveal the LEGO pieces for the fear toxin barrel. Cook up the toxin, then deposit it in the slot on the left to open the door. Pull the lever inside to open the door, then continue through it. Destroy the glowing locks to release some henchmen, then recruit them. Command them to create a tower, then hop up it and swing across the poles to reach the upper ledge. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a drone and technology panel, then use the panel to take control of the drone, disabling the security turret. Use Clayface to activate the security booth, opening the door to the right. Continue right, then graffiti the wall to reveal a vent. Travel through it, then transform into Clayface’s larger form. Use the super strength handle to tear down the barrier, allowing Scarecrow and Riddler to join you. Head back up the stairs, then use mind control on the police officer in the room. Pull the lever to raise up the vault, then smash the cracked wall to enter it.



2. Well that went well. You are in control of Two-Face and Catwoman, although you can take control of Scarecrow and The Riddler if you run up to them. Each villain has something that they want and you have to collect all of them. Use the grapple point on the large box to reveal a bazooka. Interact with it as Two-Face to gain the “explosive” ability. Destroy the silver chandelier on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into Scarecrow’s “Scareplane”, then interact with it as Scarecrow to start the Nightwing boss fight. Avoid his attacks, then hit him when he’s vulnerable to defeat him. Eventually he’ll be stunned with stars around his head. Hit him again to smack him into the fish tank, revealing a Riddler box. Interact with it as Riddler, then build the LEGO pieces into a cage around Nightwing. The Penguin will then be added to your party. Build the LEGO pieces on the right into a launch pad, then step on it to reach the upper ledge. Recruit the goons, then command them to help you with the grapple point, revealing Clayface and adding him to your party. Travel through the vent, then smack the glowing box to reveal LEGO pieces on the ground. Build them into a cannon, then hop into it as Penguin and shoot down Scarecrow’s plane. This will start the Batgirl boss fight. This one is a little more complicated than the last. Avoid her attacks and hit her when she’s vulnerable. She will sometimes latch onto you with her grapple gun. When she does this, quickly hit the button that appears to dodge her attack. Once you defeat her, build the LEGO pieces that appear into a launch pad, then use it to reach the upper ledge. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a launcher, then use the grapple point to knock the gem to the ground. Interact with it as Catwoman to end the level.


Unlocked Characters: Catwoman
The Penguin
The Riddler
The Riddler (Classic)
Batgirl (250,000)
Nightwing (250,000)


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