LEGO® DC Super-Villains - New Kid On The Block - Story Mode Walkthrough - Magic Game World

LEGO® DC Super-Villains – New Kid On The Block – Story Mode Walkthrough

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New Kid On The Block – Story Mode Walkthrough

Enemies: Stryker’s Island Guard
Starting Characters: Rookie
Added Characters: Mercy Graves, Lex Luthor; Solomon Grundy, Cheetah; The Joker, Harley Quinn
True Villain: 200,000




1. Before you actually start playing the game you will create your custom character. There are TONS of things for you to customize, so have some fun with it. Keep in mind that what you select now is NOT permanent. You can change anything you want about your character at any point in the story, so don’t worry about getting everything perfect right off the bat. You can name your character anything you want, but for the sake of this game I will be using the name “Rookie” to refer to your character. Anyway you have Mercy Graves and Lex Luthor added to your party. Destroy the glowing computer in the center of the room to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a button, then press it to open the door in the back. This will reveal some turrets that will shoot at you, but also provide a wall for you to hop up. Hop up it and destroy the glowing generators on the right to lower the shields around the turrets. Use Lex Luthor’s missiles to destroy them, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a fan, then ride the current to the ledge. Head to the right and destroy the silver panel to reveal a lever. Pull it to start cycling the lasers beneath you. Return to the ground floor then head right, timing your movements past the lasers. Continue to the right, then destroy the silver panel across the gap to reveal a grapple point. Use it to extend the bridge, then cross to the right. Head through the opening.




2. You are now in control of Solomon Grundy and Cheetah. Head to the right and destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Grundy boost panel, then use it to toss Cheetah up onto the poles. Swing across them, then hop up onto the ledge. Destroy the glowing glass door, then head inside the alcove and head left. Pull the lever to open a door below you, revealing a dark alcove. Use Mercy to light it up, then destroy the objects inside to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a glide panel, then use it as Lex to glide across the gap. Look through the x-ray wall and align the pipes to shut off the lasers in the center of the room, revealing a lift. Step on the buttons.




3. Time to break Metallo out of prison. Switch to your character and interact with the object to gain a new power: a heat beam! You can customize it now, as well as anything else about your character that you wish to change. After acquiring your new power, head to the left and destroy the gold turret to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a tech panel, then use it to solve the slider puzzle and reveal a lift. Step on the button to reach the upper ledge, then pull the lever. Head back down and to the right, then destroy the gold turret to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a super strength handle, then use it to tear down the wall. Climb the ladder, then head to the left and pull the lever. Pull both levers to trigger a cutscene.




4. You are now in control of The Joker and Harley Quinn. Walk around the use The Joker to recruit the 4 Joker Goons. Command them and they will create a trampoline for you, allowing you to reach the upper ledge. Hop up the railings, then build the LEGO pieces into a grapple point. Use it to pull down the barrier, allowing you to continue. Continue to the right, then use the graffiti spot to destroy the wall. Climb the ladder, then swing up the poles. Use the hammer panel to raise you up to the next ledge. Recruit the 3 Joker Goons and command them to help you with the grapple point, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a cannon, then pull the lever to launch Harley up to the ledge. Climb up the rope that appears, then continue to the right. Build the LEGO pieces into a rotary handle, then turn it to rotate the hands of the clock, allowing Harley to swing up the poles (you’ll know you’ve got it when the rotary handle explodes). Shimmy across the railing, then hop up onto the ledge. Head around to the back side of the tower, then use the hammer panel to reveal LEGO pieces below you. Build them into a Joker box, then use hop onto the press on the side to pull down the ladder. Climb up and destroy the silver scaffolding to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an interesting contraption, then hop on to end the level.



Unlocked Characters: Cheetah
Harley Quinn
The Joker
Lex Luthor
Mercy Graves
Solomon Grundy




After New Kid On The Block

You are in control of The Joker and Harley Quinn. Time to make a truck. Graffiti the wall on the left to reveal a drone vent. Use The Joker to send a drone through it and into the silver chain. This will knock down the truck and reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a henchman panel, then recruit the 4 henchman. Command them to make a tower, then hop up it to reach the upper ledge. Head to the right and pull the levers to add onto the truck. Use the impact panel that appears to create stairs to the right. Head to the right and hop up the stairs, then use the grapple point on the box that appears to pull the box to the left, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a pole, then swing on it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the truck.




You are now in the new Gotham City Hub. Follow the guide studs to recruit Clayface and The Riddler. Follow the guide studs to Scarecrow, who is in a bit of a pickle. To help him out, we’ll need to cook up some laughter toxin. To do that, you will have to collect three ingredients. The first can be found on the right side of the building. The second is on the left side of the building. For the third, graffiti the wall to reveal it. Once you collect the 3 ingredients, cook up the toxin and deposit it into the slot on the right side of the building to rescue Scarecrow. Drive over to the GCPD and hop into the light to start the next level.


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