LEGO® DC Super-Villains - Oa No! - Story Mode Walkthrough - Magic Game World

LEGO® DC Super-Villains – Oa No! – Story Mode Walkthrough

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Oa No! – Story Mode Walkthrough

Enemies: Green Lanterns


Boss: Power Ring


Starting Characters: Rookie, Gorilla Grodd, Scarecrow, Killer Frost


Added Characters: Sinestro


True Villain: 120,000


1. Put out the fires on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rocket, clearing the ship out of the way. Travel through the vent, then destroy the gold lantern symbol to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a button, then step on it to create platforms, allowing your partners to join you. Head towards the bridge on the right to trigger a security robot. Use telekinesis on the bridge to move it, then cross it and use the super strength handle. Light up the dark alcove, then use the technology panel to solve the slider puzzle, shutting off the robot. Cross the bridge, then use telekinesis on it to return it to its original position. Cross it and put out the fires, then interact with the object inside as your character to gain the “Electricity” ability. Head back to the left and charge the generator in the now open room to power the lift. Hop on, then step on the button to create some platforms. Hop up and use mind control on the Green Lantern, then turn the valve to reveal a pattern. Input the pattern to start rotating some platforms. Hop on one and ride it across the gap, then continue to the right. You are now going to brew some fear toxin. Head to the right to find the fear toxin barrel on the Green Lantern ship. The first ingredient can be found by destroying the spiderweb to the left of the stairs. The second ingredient can be found on the right side of the staircase. The third can be found by smashing the cracked wall on the Green Lantern ship. Once you collect all three ingredients, brew the fear toxin and place it in the vent to shut off the shield. Head up the stairs and charge the generator to open the door. Head inside.


2. Time to face Power Ring. You’re in control of Sinestro, Scarecrow and your character. Fight the enemies and avoid Power Ring’s attacks. Eventually LEGO pieces will appear. Build them into a Lantern panel, then use it to damage Power Ring. Avoid his attacks, then hit him when he’s stunned to damage him again. Once you take him down to 2 hearts, he will retreat. Repeat this process again to defeat him and end the level.


Unlocked Characters: Sinestro


Power Ring (150,000)


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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