LEGO® DC Super-Villains - The Harley And The Ivy - Story Mode - Magic Game World

LEGO® DC Super-Villains – The Harley And The Ivy – Story Mode

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The Harley And The Ivy – Story Mode

Enemies: Poison Ivy Goon, Police Officer
Boss: Poison Ivy
Starting Characters: Captain Boomerang, Deadshot
Added Characters: Killer Frost, Rookie; Poison Ivy
True Villain: 120,000



1. Time to take on Poison Ivy. Shoot her to take out a heart and she will expose the bud that was previously protected by the purple shield. Destroy it, then head to the left and destroy the silver gate. Destroy the bud inside, then head to the right and use detective mode to reveal a grapple point. Use it to tear down the gate, then destroy the bud inside. Destroying the three buds will cause Ivy to release toxic gas. Head to the right and you will be in control of Killer Frost and your character. Deadshot and Captain Boomerang have been tangled up in vines. Shoot Poison Ivy to take out another heart, then destroy the exposed bud. Destroy the gold object to reveal another bud. Destroy it, then freeze the water in the fountain to destroy the greenhouse on the right, revealing the final bud. Destroy it, then head to the right. Captain Boomerang will then be added back to your party. Shoot Ivy to take out another heart, then interact as your character with the object that appears to gain the “Super Strength” ability. Destroy the bud that appears, then build the LEGO pieces into an object. Use the super strength handle on it to pick it up, then throw it at the cracked wall to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a projectile rebound panel, then use it to knock down the cage above you. Destroy the bud, then shoot Poison Ivy to take out her final heart.



2. You are now in control of Poison Ivy, Deadshot, Harley Quinn and your character. Smash the cracked wall to reveal a vent. Travel through it, then grab the railing to reveal a fuse box. Shrink down and enter it, then head through the maze and flip the switch at the end to shut off the fan. Continue to the right, then use stealth to sneak past the camera. Destroy the glowing object to shut off the camera, allowing your partners to join you. Grow the plant to create a bridge, then hop across the leaves. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an impact panel, then use it to destroy the satellite dishes on the towers. Hop up the railings, then follow the stud trail up to the building. Graffiti the wall to destroy it, then climb up the ladder. Destroy the glowing UFO to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a floral toxin barrel, for which you’ll need to collect 3 ingredients. Destroy the gold object to reveal the first, then travel through the vent behind it to reach the ledge with the second. Follow the trail on the left to reach the third. Once you’ve collected all 3 ingredients, brew the floral toxin. Use it to bypass the security booth, opening the elevator. Step on the buttons to head up to the gala, where you will be greeted by a swam of enemies. Head to the left and travel through the vent to reach the gala, clearing off the enemies blocking off the stairs. Head to the back of the gala and use chlorokinesis on the plant to move it to the left, creating platforms. Hop up them and onto the ledge, then press the button to end the level.


Unlocked Characters: Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy (New 52)


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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