LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2 - Asgard - Magic Game World

LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2 – Asgard


Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Destroy the silver objects on the Bifrost to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a beam deflection panel, then head inside the building. Destroy the glowing wheel on the wall to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ball socket and a wire, then use the ball socket to create a laser. Turn the wheels so when you use the beam deflection panel, the laser is sent into the slots on the side of the building. Send the laser into both sockets to reveal this.


Gold Brick 2: Head underwater and cut through the vines, then cut through the gold panel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a jack, then step on it a few times to reveal this.


Gold Brick 3: Shatter the glass panels in a ruined building to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a chi altar, then fill it with chi to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to open the chest, revealing this.


Gold Brick 4: Shoot a glowing box in the lava by the palace to reveal a glowing box. Destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a gravity booster, then use it to reveal this.


Gold Brick 5: Use magic on the cannon, then hop in and shoot down 30 ships within the time limit to receive this.


Gold Brick 6: Repair the camera in the kitchen, then follow the trail that appears to find a fridge. Use magic on it, then melt the ice inside. Build the LEGO pieces into a blender, then use magic on the food to place it in the blender. Press the button on the blender, then use magic on the pot to place it in the stove. Press the button to cook the food, then destroy the gold pot to reveal this.




Asgard-ing the Realm: Talk to Heimdall and he will ask you to help him defeat some enemies. Follow him around and defeat the enemies that appear to complete this quest, allowing you to purchase Heimdall for 250,000 studs.


Lava Palaver: Talk to Sif and she will ask you to help her rescue some stranded Asgardian civilians. Use mind control to send all four civilians to the land where Sif is, completing this quest and allowing you to purchase Sif for 150,000 studs.


Ghost Walker: Talk to Ghost Rider and he will ask you to talk to some people about a new bike. Head to the markers and talk to the people, then return to Ghost Rider. Tell him about the flaming carriages and the merchant, then follow him. Defeat the waves of enemies that appear, then follow him to the bike shop to complete this quest, allowing you to purchase Ghost Rider for 250,000 studs.




Ragnarok: Complete an air race within 35 seconds, allowing you to purchase him for 150,000 studs.


Hellcow: Complete a motorcycle race within 1 minute 10 seconds, allowing you to purchase him for 500,000 studs.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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