LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2 - Avenger's World Tour - Story Mode - Magic Game World

LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2 – Avenger’s World Tour – Story Mode


Enemies: Hazmat Scientist, Attuma Goon, Prisoner, Octobot

Boss: The Presence, Attuma, Shocker (Classic), Kraven the Hunter, Doctor Octopus

Starting Characters: Thor, Captain America, She-Hulk

Added Characters: Iron Man, Captain Marvel; Ms. Marvel, White Tiger, Spider-Man

True Believer: 185,000


1. Head to the right up the path, then destroy the objects in front of the door to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a team-up panel, then use it to launch She-Hulk onto the bars. Hop up, then step on the buttons on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Drop down and build them into a fan, allowing Captain America to join you. Climb the ladder on the left tower, then put out the fires to reveal a generator. Charge it to open the door below you. Drop down and head inside, then use the shield switch to reveal some LEGO pieces. Fly to the tower on the right, then use the super strength handles to reveal a generator. Charge it to open the door below you. Head inside and destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a shield switch, then use it to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to open the door. Destroy the objects on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a node on the wall, then push the boxes on the right towards the closed door. Use the shield panel to open the doors. Smack up Captain America, then time to fight The Presence. Avoid his attacks, then hit him when his shields are down to damage him. Eventually, he’ll take command of Captain America. Smack him around when he’s stunned, then continue pounding down The Presence.


2. You are now in control of Iron Man and Captain Marvel. Head over to the pipe entrances, then enter the yellow pipe. Head to the right and destroy the gold object to reveal a lever. Pull it to open the door, then head inside and destroy the silver object to reveal an opening in the ceiling. Swim through it, then destroy the generator on the left. Swim back out, then smack Attuma around until he leaves. Head through the blue pipe, then head to the right. Swim up the elevator shaft, then repair the winch. Use it to raise up a box. Drop down and destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a lever. Pull it to open the door, then pass through the lasers as Captain Marvel and destroy the generator. Head back out and hit Attuma some more. Head through the red pipe, then destroy the gold object to reveal a lever. Pull it to open the door, then destroy the generator.


3. You are now in control of Ms. Marvel, White Tiger, and Spider-Man. Head to the right and use the grapple point to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a web point, then target both points to create a rope. Cross it, then smack Shocker (Classic) around. Eventually Mysterio will show up, so defeat his goons and continue beating on Shocker. Eventually, Shocker will jump onto a platform. Use the grapple points on the truck on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Ms. Marvel panel, then use it to knock down Shocker. Use Spidey sense to reveal Vulture. He will drag you into a jungle.


4. Cut down the vines in the back, then use the grapple point to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a fire, distracting the lion. Hit Kraven the Hunter he is defeated. Vulture will then carry you back to the bridge.


5. Now its time for Doctor Octopus. Simply avoid his tentacles and hit him to take out his health. Defeat him to end the level.


Unlocked Characters: Captain America (Pilot)

Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel (No Mask)

Ms. Marvel


Peter Parker



White Tiger

Doctor Octopus

Kraven the Hunter

Shocker (Classic)

The Presence


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