LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2 – Sakaar - Magic Game World

LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2 – Sakaar

LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2 – Sakaar

Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Destroy the glowing engines to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then dig up LEGO pieces Build them onto the screen, then destroy the rubble to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them onto the screen, then use the technology panel to enter the encryption key (spelling out “BANNER”), revealing this.

Gold Brick 2: Use magic on the pillar the Kronan warrior is lifting to place it on a pedestal, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ball panel, then turn the rotary handle on the spiky pillar. Fly up to the throne, then destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces and a button. Build the LEGO pieces into a shield panel, then step on the button to reveal a shield switch. Use the shield panel to throw the shield at the spiky pillar, hitting the shield switch and opening the pit, allowing you to collect this.


Gold Brick 3: Head over to a building on the outskirts of Sakaar to speak to the cowboy. Platforms will then appear by two of the buttons. Fly up to them and press them, then use mind control on the person inside the museum. Step on the buttons to move the platforms underneath the other two buttons, then press them. Press all four buttons to retract the bars. Head into the museum, then use the fuse box to lower the barrier around this.


Gold Brick 4: Fly onto the floating drum platform, then survive the game for 30 seconds to receive this.


Gold Brick 5: Head inside the “Fashionable Hulk” store, then destroy the objects on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ball socket, then cut through the gold panel to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them onto the ball socket, then use it to rotate the cube left. Use the grapple points to reveal obedience disks, then shoot then to knock them to the ground. Use the ball socket to rotate the cube to the left again, then destroy the glowing cobwebs to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a vat, then use magic on the obedience disks to create green shirts, revealing this.


Gold Brick 6: Quickly swing on all 10 poles around a building to open the cage. Head over to the trapped Sakaarians to reveal this.


Gold Brick 7: Destroy the glowing objects on top of the turtle building to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the tiles, then push the box from the top off the edge, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into grapple points, then use them to open the building. Destroy the gold sarcophagus to reveal a silver chest. Destroy it, then shatter the glass, allowing you to collect this.




F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F. & C.: Talk to Fin Fang Foom and he will ask you to talk to some people. Head to the markers on the map and speak to the people, then return to him. Tell him about the pizza, sushi, and steak to complete this quest, allowing you to purchase Fin Fang Foom for 500,000 studs.


Defector Collector: Talk to The Collector and he will ask you to find some missing specimens. Head to the markers on the map to find the specimens, then return to The Collector to complete this quest. Allowing you to purchase The Collector for 150,000 studs.


Emotional Skaar: Talk to Skaar and he will ask you to help him find the cooler version of his dad. Follow him and defeat the enemies, then take a photo of Skaar and Maestro to complete this quest. You can now purchase Skaar for 250,000 studs.


Crime Crisis: Talk to Black Widow and Hawkeye and they will ask you to take care of some crimes. Head to the markers and defeat the enemies that appear to complete this quest, allowing you to purchase Black Widow for 150,000 studs.




Captain Britain: Complete a race with a car within 1 minute 40 seconds, allowing you to purchase him for 150,000 studs.


Maestro: Complete a ground race within 1 minute 35 seconds, allowing you to purchase him for 500,000 studs.



Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Destroy the gold object by Stan Lee to reveal a gravity booster, then use it to rescue him.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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