LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2 – Spook-tacular Parade Saga - Story Mode - Magic Game World

LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2 – Spook-tacular Parade Saga – Story Mode


Starting Characters: Morbius, Living Mummy, Man-Thing


True Believer: 90,000


1. Head up the stairs and use the super strength handle to knock down the boxes. Destroy them, then use the grapple point on the statues to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the center part of the float, then head left. Use mind control on the Hydra soldier, then hop into the forklift to crash it through the barrier. Destroy the forklift to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into part of the float, then build them LEGO pieces into a grapple point. Use it to reveal more LEGO pieces, then build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to create the left part of the float. Head to the right and use mind control on the Hydra soldier in the booth, then pull the lever to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to create a rope, then climb up the rope and ladders to reach the ledge of the building. Grab the railing at the end of the scaffolding to lower the rest of the tiles, then push the box off the edge to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an air compressor, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into the right part of the float. Complete the float to end the level.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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