LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2 - Stan Lee in Peril - Magic Game World

LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes 2 – Stan Lee in Peril

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Manhattan/Avenger’s Mansion

Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Repair a snowplow in a park to destroy the snowman trapping Stan Lee.

Stan Lee in Peril 2: Use the teleportation panel inside a building near K’un-Lun, then use magic to repair the painting, allowing you to reach the bottom floor. Drop down, then shatter the glass to rescue him.



Man-Thing’s Swamp

Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Use the grapple points on the logs in the water, then use magic on the hatchet, cutting down a tree and allowing Stan Lee to return to land.




Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Cut the vine holding Stan Lee up, then defeat the panthers to rescue him.



Medieval England/Liberty Island

Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Destroy the plant behind the woman next to Stan Lee to reveal a dig site. Dig up LEGO pieces, then build them into a rotary handle. Turn it to rescue him.



Nueva York

Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: To reach Stan Lee, you need to head through the tunnels in the pit-shaped buildings. Once you reach him, destroy the large box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a chi altar, then fill it with chi to open the barrier. Destroy the gold object to rescue him.




Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Destroy the gold object by Stan Lee to reveal a gravity booster, then use it to rescue him.




Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Turn time backwards to create platforms in front of the super strength handle. Use it to reveal a pillar, then turn time forwards to create a building. Climb up the ladder, then grab the railing on the drone to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a platform, then turn time backwards again to create platforms. Put out the fires on the large platform to rescue Stan Lee.




Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Smash a cracked block underwater to reveal a fuse box. Use it to rescue Stan Lee.

Stan Lee in Peril 2: Turn time forwards on the plant to destroy the cage, then turn it backwards to reveal gold buds. Destroy all three to rescue Stan Lee.



The Old West

Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Stan Lee is being bothered by a buffalo. Cut through the vines, then destroy the glowing barrel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into part of a buffalo robot, then destroy the glowing rock to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the rest of the robot, rescuing Stan Lee.




Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Destroy the silver casing around the machine, then use the grapple points to rescue Stan Lee.




Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: A UFO is attempting to abduct Stan Lee. Destroy the silver part of it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a gravity booster. Use it to rescue him.



Manhattan Noir

Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Dig up a chest, then build the LEGO pieces into a grapple point. Use it to rescue Stan Lee.



Hydra Empire

Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Use the technology panel on the bridge to shut off part of the electricity. Climb down the ladder and pull the lever at the right time to rescue Stan Lee.




Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Melt the ice block trapping the explorer to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into grapple points, then use them to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into a ball socket, then melt the ice block to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a turkey, then use the ball socket to roast the turkey. Put out the fire to rescue Stan Lee.




Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Cut through the vines tying Stan Lee to the weight to rescue him (you don’t need to cut through the gold panel to do this).



Kang’s Citadel

Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Shatter the glass cages to free Stan Lee, then press the buttons in the correct order (star, circle, square), then destroy all of the objects to the left of the laser grid to reveal a fuse box. Use it to shut off the lasers, rescuing Stan Lee.




Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Charge the generator on the left, then destroy the glowing cabinet to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a fuse box, then use it to rescue Stan Lee.




Stan Lee in Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Destroy the silver objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to raise the temperature. Destroy the silver pipes, then destroy the silver objects on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to lower the temperature, rescuing Stan Lee.


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